International Women’s Day 2025

  “I believe that women’s history and women’s stories are still under-told, which means that there’s a hunger for them.” – Bestselling author of THE RED TENT, Anita Diamant. I agree, Anita, and I aim to do something about that hunger with my #31titleswomeninhistory literary citizenship program—a curated list of thirty-one titles, chosen to educate…

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Why Readers Love Historical Fiction

Today, the day of “love”, seems appropriate to share a few thoughts about why I LOVE HISTORICAL FICTION and why other readers do as well. As the author of two novels defined as historical fiction, I chose the genre believing that I would reach more readers with the story of the Woman’s Medical College of…

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Lists, lists and more lists.

Given my Type A tendencies, I revert to lists of all kinds to keep my life organized. From To-Do lists (for me and separate ones for the hubby) to shopping lists to Excel files and Goodreads for TBR books. I have even started a TBR, or rather TO BE BOUGHT list for the upcoming arrival…

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The Unlocked Path – One Year Anniversary

Musings of a First-Time Author on Her First Anniversary of Publishing a Novel One year ago, I woke up to my husband saying, “You’re a published author.” I’ve had a few monikers given to me over my 61 years: student, dancer, knitter, sewer, reader, field hockey player, bartender, babysitter, ice cream scooper, lacrosse stick stringer,…

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Summer Reads + Fall Book Club Picks

For me, a perfect summer day includes sitting on the beach in the late afternoon after the height of the sun’s burning rays which minimizes my need for 28 layers of sunscreen, my “Do Not Disturb” hat perched on my head, clip-on shades affixed to my reading glasses, a salty snack nearby to nibble, and…

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How It Started…How It’s Going

As I hit the 100 days until release mark today for my debut novel, I’ve paused to reflect on how my journey started. Or, maybe more appropriately, the path I unlocked for myself. Although formal writing of The Unlocked Path began with my enrollment in a Creative Writing class five years ago, followed by intensive…

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Next stop on my writing journey: Cover is done! As I approached this important step, stalwart beliefs in what I wanted, and didn’t, for Eliza’s story guided my choice. Like many other historical fiction readers, I’m tired of the overuse of showing the back of a woman staring into her setting. Although I appreciate the…

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While I do not participate in formal reading challenges, I do assemble a listing of books to read for the year guided by my book clubs, personal interest, recommendations from friends, and research for my next novel. Since historical fiction is my favorite genre, I’m happy to share some titles on my 2022 list. Have…

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