Posts Tagged ‘Book Clubs’
Tips for Planning a Book Club Discussion: The Women, The Frozen River, and More
Does your book club rotate discussion leaders each month? Is your turn coming up? Have you entered a slight panic mode, thinking of how you’ll make “your meeting” a success? What book should I pick? Where can I find discussion prompts which will ignite an engaging conversation? What else can I do to ensure a…
Read MoreLists, lists and more lists.
Given my Type A tendencies, I revert to lists of all kinds to keep my life organized. From To-Do lists (for me and separate ones for the hubby) to shopping lists to Excel files and Goodreads for TBR books. I have even started a TBR, or rather TO BE BOUGHT list for the upcoming arrival…
Read MoreHow It Started…How It’s Going
As I hit the 100 days until release mark today for my debut novel, I’ve paused to reflect on how my journey started. Or, maybe more appropriately, the path I unlocked for myself. Although formal writing of The Unlocked Path began with my enrollment in a Creative Writing class five years ago, followed by intensive…
This past Friday, as the dust blew across the pages of my reading Kristin Hannah’s latest and greatest, Four Winds, (review to follow) another storm brewed on the pages of Facebook. One of the reading groups I regularly follow, Book Club Girls, run by Harper Collins, announced they would be shutting down the group by August…
I’m not sure which lasted longer: the hugs for each arrival, the clouds for a beach day, or the book discussion. After eleven months apart, most of the members of my book club traveled down for a Cape Cod picnic and “beach” day for an in-person meeting. Over cups of clam chowder – the REAL…
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